Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Well, the moon sank as the wind blew

Well, here we are a couple weeks later, and now, we have Hanna headed towards us...sort of... It seems my good friend Tropical Storm Fay left us a much larger present than I had figured. We thought she had simply taken a giant limb off of our dead oak which had landed partially on the corner of the shed and knocked the shed enough to make the door very difficult to open. Well, when we finally got the door opened on Saturday (more than a week later), Martin heard this funny noise that turned out to be gushing water. We didn't even known we had a water line in the shed. It turns out after much gripping and cursing people long dead that apparently long ago, there was a pump over there for well water. When the city put in the city water, they didn't run the city water directly to the house. They ran it to the shed and hooked into where the pump had sent water into the house.

So, instead of finding the immediate problem and fixing it, Martin and my brother dug a hole in the yard, thinking that it was a sub-line going to the shed from the house, and capped it off. Well, the water was coming from the other direction, so now we had a gush in the shed and a gush in the yard. That night, we had no water.

The next morning, we all went to Lowes and I got the stuff we needed. He fixed the gush in the shed and I took care of the one in the yard, so now we have water again, BUT if they had listened to me to begin with, it would have been fixed the night before and never needed to fix the second spot in the yard. At least Martin agreed that he had screwed up. Honestly, I have done more plumbing that either Martin or my brother, you would think they would have listened. Men....

Anyway, in other news...I am in the midst of a long week. Last week was long as well. While I am a stay-at-home mom, it is definitely my evenings that designate a long week. Last week included a Monday cheerleading practice, a Tuesday awards thing for softball and baseball from last season, Wednesday I got to go "help" a friend, Thursday was open house at Mara's school, and Friday was cheerleading practice again. This week is 4 nights of cheerleading practice culminating in games on Saturday. Luckily, tomorrow is my night off from everything, and I am looking forward to staying home.

I am now 28 weeks pregnant and very happy about it. I get tired in the middle of the day, but other than that, I feel great. Since I stopped doing my medical transcription job at night, I feel so much better and my house is actually clean. On my chore chart (yes, I have one and so does Mara), I actually have a space for doing my yoga DVD and taking a walk which I get stars for doing. I try, but the only time I have actually put in the DVD and did the yoga, I fell asleep on the floor afterwards. Marty has also decided that he wants to watch PBS every morning, and actually brings me the remote to turn the channel for him to it. I hate to make him unhappy by making him miss his Word World and Dragon Tales and Sesame Street. I need to make Mara find their remote so I can let him watch it in their room so that I can get my TV back so I can do my yoga. I can't seem to get the motivation to walk to the school to pick up Mara when my sister isn't walking with me, so 2 days a week, I tend not to walk.

Baby Chris is turning somersaults in my belly. It is quite a strange feeling. He (or she but for the purpose of my sanity him) sleeps most of the day. If I am up, he is asleep. He only really moves when I sit still (like now).

Let me explain the whole fetus sex thing...I do not want to find out. I want the surprise. I also want a girl very badly. My daughter wants a sister very badly as well. It is not that I do not want another boy (cause I want one of those too), but I have decided that calling it a him will combat any sadness I might have at it being a boy when it is born and it is also easier than calling it it. I would not be devastated by having another boy because in reality it would be a lot of fun to have 2 boys so close, but I definitely want another girl. Martin says no to a 4th baby. We will see if I can win that war. If it is a boy, I would also get a little Superman (Christoper Reaves). Martin picks on me cause the last name is not the same, but please, it sounds the same, and that is what matters.

As soon as I get the schedule for games for cheerleading, I get to finally start actually planning Mara's birthday party and the specifics for the baby party. Hopefully, most of the season will be over before the parties start. It is starting in September so hopefully, it will be mostly over before November as far as games go. Competition cheer will be in full swing, but as long as I can have my weekend for my parties, I will be happy.

Anyway, I guess I have finally ran out of things to say. Nothing really exciting happens in my life. I have discovered that I prefer being with my family to almost anything else, so yeah, I don't go out, I don't have traditional "fun" but I have a great life that I love.

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