Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Don't really matter If she don't or if she do

The title lyrics this time are from Hometown Blues.

So, it has been a month since I had the time to update this blog. What a month this has been! Chris is now 5 weeks old, and I think she is about 8 pounds now. At least that is what the scale says when I get on it and weigh myself and then weigh with her and subtract. She doesn't go back to the pediatrician until the end of this month at 2 months old. From the amount that child eats, she should be 10 pounds by now. There are some days that she doesn't do anything other than eat with the occasional nap.

Chris is definitely my hold-me baby. She wants to be held about 20 hours a day. She hates to sleep without being held and only takes 1 nap in her bed each day. This means we sleep on the couch in the recliner part. I have tried to get her to feed in bed with me on our sides, but so far, she has refused. I am hoping that this is a skill she will learn later on and I will be able to sleep lying down again someday. Until then, I will enjoy her wanting me so much, and I hope that when she is older, she will still want me to hold her because the other two could care less if they even hug me everyday. I actually have to ask for hugs from them. They are both so independent. I still hug and kiss my mom every time I leave her and tell her I love her every time we get off the phone even if I am going to call her back in 10 minutes. Of course, I tend to do that with everyone in my family.

Overall, breastfeeding is going fantastic. She is definitely a booby monster, and that is okay with me.

Everything else is going great with my life. I am playing an awesome video game. It is one thing I can do while feeding her and holding her while she sleeps. Marty loves his sister but does act out occasionally...mostly towards his older sister. He apparently is taking it out on her stuff when she goes to her dad's for his weekend or when I can't do what he wants me to do because I am taking care of Chris. Mara is, as always, a wonderful big sister. She helps with Chris when I need a minute or with Marty when I can't help him right then.

The funniest thing happened tonight. Mara is 9 years old and will leave her garbage or her plate in the living room all the time. Marty is almost 3 and loves taking things to the garbage or to the kitchen. He loves to help. Well, tonight, Martin picked food up from Wendy's, and after we ate, of course, Mara left her garbage on the couch. Marty, dear boy that he is, starts cleaning the living room. He took his garbage and then went around finding other garbage that needed to be picked up. I called Mara in to the living room to point out that her 2-year-old brother was picking up after himself, and then he picked up her garbage too. Of course, every time he would pick up something, he would say "throw away?" Precious. He wanted to make sure I wanted it thrown away before he did it.

Today, when we went to the school to pick Mara up, the wonderful principal took Chris and held her for a few minutes. Chris just stared at him and smiled at him. You could tell that she has already, at 5 weeks old, wrapped him around her tiny little finger. He is an awesome principal, and I am glad that Mara will be in middle school before they move him. It is normally every 3 years, so I really, really hope that he has at least 1 more year after this one before he gets moved to another school. Every day, he comes out and gives hugs to Marty and my niece. He is a wonderful person. Everyone was talking about how they wished they had a camera to take a picture of how cute he was holding Chris.

Well, I shouldn't have stayed up to write this. Chris is actually sleeping right now which is really, really odd for her because normally between 10 pm and 2 am, she has to be attached to me. Martin was holding her and she fell asleep so he put her in her bed. She has stayed asleep for about an hour and a half. I figure as soon as I lay down horizontally, she will wake up, and we will have to move to the couch.

Anyway, so the point of the title is...it doesn't really matter if she sleeps or not, I still find a way not to sleep and then complain the next day that I am tired. At least, I am NOT playing my game tonight. If I had, I would be up until nearly time to get Mara up for school just because it is that addictive.

Well...good night...