Friday, June 26, 2009

They're callin' you a sickness, disease of the mind

Title is from The Criminal Kind from Hard Promises.

If only they would. I will never completely understand this bullshit this world has about not telling the truth after someone dies, unless the person is actually convicted of his crime...then we can't get enough of telling the truth.

It would be nice if people could actually say what they think. Michael Jackson was a FREAK. He was a child molester. He was NOT a good person. He should not be a legend. He was a performer like any other from the 80's who sang catchy songs!!! He was no different than any other forgotten celebrity from the 80's, except he was smart enough (or stupid enough) to create enough scandal to keep himself in the public eye. Seriously, an ICON??? So, in 10 years when someone says they were influenced by Brittany Spears, will she be an icon??? Comparing him to Elvis is about the stupidest thing I can think of. WHY??? Elvis really did create a new music. Jackson performed. Elvis pushed boundaries. Jackson was...a creep who grabbed his crotch and squealed WAY too often. He was disgusting.

As far as all the morons in this world who think he was innocent of child molestation, my great uncle was a child molester. He served NO jail time. If it was not for the fact that my great grandfather had money, he might have. Of course, my great uncle was convicted, but got house arrest. My great grandfather didn't have THAT much money. Do all of you people also think OJ was innocent too?? I guess if a jury doesn't convict you, you are innocent. Sure people... The very fact that he gave these people money (20 million dollars???) is proof enough for me.

Oh, but he was a father. Seriously? You really think that? Maybe by the fact that he ran the mother off with his money, but do you seriously think he was the FATHER of those children. Have you seen those children?

This man is being called a role model or an inspiration? He HATED himself. He took what he was (a cute little black kid) and turned himself into a MONSTER!! He obviously wanted to be white so he bleached his skin. His features were too African-American, so he changed them! What the hell??

People are making Jackson into something he never was. The only thing he was was a singer from the 80' average singer at that. It is all disgusting!