Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Well, the man out to end us had a hurricane business...

Am I the only freak?

I love hurricane season.

I constantly watch waiting for a storm to come close. Of course, we get at least one that they say will come close, and then, they say it won't. I get all sad. Well, at least with Fay, they say it will come back close to us.

Back when Francis and Jeanne came through, I was letting the worst guy to be trapped in a hurricane live with me. He was just nasty. I enjoyed not having power. No TV. I enjoyed listening to the guys on KTK (a radio station) tell bedtime stories to the kids. I enjoyed the candle light. I opened the windows and felt the wind blowing. I read by candlelight. I felt good. I didn't let the inconvenience of it all get to me. I dealt with the cold showers just to feel clean. I bonded with my daughter. The guy I was with was cranky about the whole deal.

At least with Martin, I don't think he will be as cranky. It won't be the best situation since he is on a CPAP machine, so he will have problems sleeping at night, but I don't think he will be nasty about having no power for days.

The only reservation I have about a storm coming this way is that it will be hot after the storm passes. If we lose power, I will be miserable being so hot and 6 months pregnant. We are also worried about the dead oak tree outside of my house. When the last storms came through, the tree was still partially alive. The only thing alive this time is the vines growing in it.

On another note, I am watching (with the eyes in the back of my head) the softball game between Australia and Japan. They are tied at 3 in the 12th inning, and they are saying that this is the second game they have played today. Crazy. Dammit, Japan just won. USA better kick the shit out of them again in the gold medal match.

So, this blog isn't so long. Oh well, I thought I had more to say....oh yeah, I do.

My husband's family annually has a get-together they call their family reunion every year. Last year, after the main party, the women got together and picked dates. Well, low and behold, Martin's cousin's wife got pregnant. Because she would be due too close to the dates that had been selected (SO?????????), they moved it. Then, she got her gallbladder issues, so we actually heard things like, well we would have had to move it anyways because of her issues. Gag me. Stupid bitch. They say sometimes that it wasn't moved for Liz, but everyone knows that it was. When did they move it to??? This coming Saturday. HA HA HA HA. I love Fay...and karma. My big problem (and Martin's) is that when they moved it, they moved it to a time that Martin's sister couldn't come down because she is a teacher and school has started, and Martin's brother just went back to college, so he can't come. Martin's parents can't come because of work. Now, because of lovely Fay, it is most likely that one of Martin's uncles won't be allowed to go because he works for the gas part of the local utility company. So it will end up (if anyone ends up going at all) to just be the Smiths. Like we have been calling it all along...the Smith family vacation. It had nothing to do with the Reaves. I am so glad that Martin is standing up for his family. They also planned it for a weekend my daughter couldn't be there. Of course, they tend to always plan everything on weekends that my daughter can't be there because she has to go to her dad's every other weekend. They could ask. They don't. They are selfish, selfish people. Done with vent.

Anyway, done for now.

PS: If you can figure out the name of the song from the lyrics in the title, you rock. It is one of my favorite songs ever.

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